This month, we are introducing several exciting updates to Setary, making it an even more powerful tool for managing your WooCommerce store.

Our focus has been on expanding available features, boosting performance, and ensuring a smooth user experience. Let’s dive into the details of these updates:

New product data columns added to Setary's bulk product editor for WooCommerce

New Product Data Columns: Enhanced Product Management

We have added a range of new columns to the Setary interface, providing you with more control over your WooCommerce product data. These new columns include Length, Width, Height, Shipping Required, Shipping Taxable, Shipping Class Slug, Menu Order, Tax Status, and Tax Class. These additions make it easier than ever to manage every aspect of your WooCommerce products.

Streamlined Data Loading: Fetch Visible Columns Only

In an effort to improve performance, Setary now fetches only the visible columns when loading your data. This optimization reduces load times and ensures a smoother experience when working with large product catalogs.

WooCommerce AI product descriptions

AI-Powered Descriptions: Boost SEO and Save Time

We have integrated AI technology to help you enhance your existing product descriptions. With this new feature, you can easily generate compelling, informative, and SEO-friendly descriptions for your products, saving you time and effort while improving your store’s search rankings.

Seamless Connectivity: Proxy to Bypass CORS Issues

To provide a seamless experience for all users, we have implemented a proxy solution that bypasses any potential CORS issues for every website. This update ensures that Setary works smoothly across various networks, without any connection-related disruptions.

Improved Copy/Paste Functionality: Faster Data Processing

We’ve improved the speed and efficiency of our copy/paste functionality. Pasting data into a cell now takes significantly less time than before, streamlining the process of updating and editing your products.

Enhanced Variation Management: Enable post_status Field

You can now enable the post_status field for WooCommerce product variations, giving you the same level of control as when setting a variation to “Enabled” in WordPress. This update allows you to manage your product variations with greater precision.

Boost Your WooCommerce Product Editing Workflow with Setary

We are continually working to enhance Setary’s functionality, making it the go-to solution for managing your WooCommerce store. These March updates are just a few examples of our commitment to providing you with the best possible product management experience. Give these new features a try and see the difference they make in your workflow. As always, feel free to reach out to us with any feedback or suggestions you may have.

The smartest way to bulk edit WooCommerce products

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